======African Development Bank====== ^ Quick Facts ^^ | Website: | | | Headquarters: |null | | Organization type: |NGO | =====Details===== \\ =====Library Materials===== \\ ====Reports==== * [[library:african_development_bank_ppp_strategic_framework_20212031|African Development Bank PPP Strategic Framework 2021-2031]] * [[library:climate_and_green_growth_strategic_framework_projecting_africas_voice_strategy_20212030|Climate and Green Growth Strategic Framework- Projecting Africa's Voice- Strategy- 2021-2030]] * [[library:idev_evaluation_of_mainstreaming_green_growth_and_climate_change_into_the_afdbs_interventions|IDEV- Evaluation of Mainstreaming Green Growth and Climate Change into the AfDB's Interventions]] * [[library:knowledge_management_strategy_20222031|Knowledge Management Strategy 2022-2031]] * [[library:strategy_for_quality_helath_infrastructure_in_africa_20212030|Strategy for Quality Helath Infrastructure in Africa 2021-2030]] =====Additional Viewpoints===== =====Citations===== \\ Categories: Include all of the major categories in the report. Search for and use existing tags here. Add a new tag if topic not already identified. Wrap in tags. Detailed instructions can be found here. ~~DISCUSSION~~