======ARUP====== ARUP is a design, engineering, architecture, and business consulting firm headquartered in London, England. It operates over 90 offices in 35 countries, and employs over 17,000 people(("[[https://www.archdaily.com/428945/how-arup-became-the-go-to-firm-for-architecture-s-most-ambitious-projects|How Arup Became The Go-To Firm for Architecture's Most Ambitious Projects]]". ArchDaily. 16 September 2013. Retrieved 23 August 2023.)) Their Foresight team is a multi-discipline group of designers, consultants, and scientists. ^ Quick Facts ^^ | Website: |[[https://www.arup.com/|Home]] [[https://www.arup.com/services/advisory-services/strategy-and-insights/foresight|Foresight]] | | Headquarters: |Global | | Organization type: |Consultancy | =====Details===== ARUP's Foresight team specializes in co-creating visions that provide the overall direction and framework for an organization, project, or initiative. Their methodology includes horizon scanning, scenario planning, and drivers of change. ====Reports==== {{backlinks>.#library}} {{backlinks>.#encyclopedia}} =====Additional Viewpoints===== Categories: {{tag>organizations}} =====Citations===== ~~DISCUSSION~~