======Consejo Chileno De Prospectiva Y Estrategia====== English translation: Chilean Council of Foresight and Strategy "The Chilean Council for Prospective and Strategy is a non-profit organization created in 2014. Our purpose is to build the future of our country based on quality public policies, with a long-term vision and that are developed in a participatory and transparent. We want to promote the use of the disciplines of foresight and strategy as a means to achieve this." (Google Translate) ^ Quick Facts ^^ | Website: |[[ https://prospectivayestrategia.cl/ | website ]] | | Headquarters: |Chile | | Organization type: |NGO | =====Details===== \\ =====Library Materials===== \\ ====Reports==== * [[library:future_of_work_panama_2050|Future of Work - Panama 2050]] * [[library:nuestros_futuros_chile_al_2050|Nuestros Futuros: Chile AL 2050]] * [[library:the_future_of_work_in_latin_america|The Future of Work in Latin America]] * [[library:vision_of_the_future_of_public_policy|Vision of the Future of Public Policy]] * [[library:world_trends_and_the_future_of_latin_america|World Trends and the Future of Latin America]] =====Additional Viewpoints===== =====Citations===== \\ Categories: Include all of the major categories in the report. Search for and use existing tags here. Add a new tag if topic not already identified. Wrap in tags. Detailed instructions can be found here. ~~DISCUSSION~~