======NGFP African Digital Futures====== ^ Quick Facts ^^ | Website: |https://digitalfutures.nextgenforesight.org/ | | Headquarters: | | | Organization type: | | =====Details===== \\ =====Library Materials===== \\ ====Reports==== * [[library:african_digital_futures|African Digital Futures]] * [[library:all_animals_are_equal|All Animals are equal]] * [[library:feminist_future_what_a_wonderful_world|Feminist Future: WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD]] * [[library:futurica|Futurica]] * [[library:journey_to_2050|Journey to 2050]] * [[library:our_future_world|Our Future World]] * [[library:the_green_party_of_kenya_manifesto_2030|The Green Party of Kenya Manifesto 2030]] * [[library:towards_vision_2050|Towards Vision 2050]] * [[library:tree_of_humanity_awarded_to_african_game_changers_once_again|Tree of Humanity awarded to African Game Changers once again]] * [[library:tribes_of_future_past|Tribes of Future Past]] * [[library:unplug_africa|Unplug Africa]] * [[library:vision_the_future_of_ai_and_tech|Vision: the future of AI and Tech]] =====Additional Viewpoints===== =====Citations===== \\ Categories: Include all of the major categories in the report. Search for and use existing tags here. Add a new tag if topic not already identified. Wrap in tags. Detailed instructions can be found here. ~~DISCUSSION~~