======A Special ASEAN Investment Report 2023====== This report examines international investment trends, focusing on key issues and policy options for ASEAN. It analyzes the region's FDI inflows, the impact of international tax reforms, supply chain restructuring, and investment in the energy transition and electric vehicle supply chain. \\ \\ (Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\ ^ Quick Facts ^^ |Report location: |[[https://asean.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/AIR-Special-2023.pdf|source]] | |Language: |English | |Publisher: | * ASEAN * [[encyclopedia:int_un_united_nations|United Nations]] | |Authors: | Amelia Santos Paulino, Anang Laksono, Astrit Sulstarova, Dafina Atanasova, Elisa Navarra, Elisabeth Mareschal, Hamed El Kady, James Zhan, Katia Vieu, Lise Lingo, Maria Cecilia Salta, Massimo Meloni, Rattapon Sukhunthee, Richard Bolwijn, Satvinder Singh, Sovyana Putranti, Sri Wardhani Bakri, Suthad Setboonsarng, Tan Tai Hiong, Thierry Alran, Yuanita Ruchyat, Kee Hwee Wee | |Geographic focus: |Asean | |Page count: |132 | =====Methods===== The research method involved analyzing FDI trends and policy developments in ASEAN. It included reviewing investment-related measures, regional agreements, and international investment agreements. The report also assessed the impact of global developments on ASEAN's investment landscape. \\ \\ (Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\ =====Key Insights===== The report provides a detailed analysis of FDI in ASEAN, highlighting the surge in investment in manufacturing, finance, and the digital economy. It discusses the role of international supply chain restructuring, the implications of the global minimum tax, and the growing interest in renewable energy and electric vehicles. The report also examines policy developments and investment trends in individual ASEAN Member States. \\ \\ (Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\ =====Additional Viewpoints===== Categories: {{tag>Asean_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>English_publication_language}} | {{tag>asean_member_states}} | {{tag>economic_integration}} | {{tag>electric_vehicles}} | {{tag>fdi_trends}} | {{tag>global_minimum_tax}} | {{tag>investment_agreements}} | {{tag>market_opportunities}} | {{tag>policy_developments}} | {{tag>renewable_energy}} | {{tag>supply_chain}} ~~DISCUSSION~~