======Data Innovation 101====== This report discusses the potential of data-driven innovation to improve economic productivity and quality of life, and the need for policies to support its adoption. \\ \\ (Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\ ^ Quick Facts ^^ |Report location: |[[http://www2.datainnovation.org/2013-data-innovation-101.pdf|source]] | |Language: |English | |Publisher: |[[encyclopedia:us_cdi_center_for_data_innovation|Center for Data Innovation]] | |Authors: | Travis Korte, Daniel Castro | |Geographic focus: |Global | =====Methods===== The research method involved analyzing the impact of data-driven innovation across different sectors, reviewing existing technologies, and assessing the role of policy in supporting innovation. \\ \\ (Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\ =====Key Insights===== Data-driven innovation has the potential to revolutionize various sectors by improving decision-making and efficiency. However, its adoption is hindered by a lack of supportive policies. The report advocates for policy measures to foster innovation, including developing human capital, advancing technology, and promoting data availability. \\ \\ (Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\ =====Additional Viewpoints===== Categories: {{tag>English_publication_language}} | {{tag>Global_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>data-driven_innovation}} | {{tag>data_availability}} | {{tag>economic_productivity}} | {{tag>human_capital}} | {{tag>policy_support}} | {{tag>privacy}} | {{tag>public_sector}} | {{tag>quality_of_life}} | {{tag>security}} | {{tag>technology_advancement}} ~~DISCUSSION~~