======Diversification of the structure of secondary education and educational segmentation in Latin America====== This study examines the diversification of secondary education and its impact on educational segmentation in Latin America, focusing on the experiences of adolescents and young people. \\ \\ (Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\ ^ Quick Facts ^^ |Report location: |[[https://repositorio.cepal.org/server/api/core/bitstreams/1c72e14c-907d-469f-b97b-5fb97ee535eb/content|source]] | |Language: |English | |Publisher: | * [[encyclopedia:economic_commission_for_latin_america|Economic Commission for Latin America]] | |Authors: | Aldana Morrone, Ana María Gonzalez, Bianca Gentinetta-delfino, Claudio Santibáñez Servat, Dafne Vergara Lozada, Daiana Viera, Daniela Cura, Daniela Huneeus, Daniela Moncada, Daniela Trucco, Fernanda Luna, Germán Moncada, Humberto González Reyes, Isabel Patiño, Javier Alliaume Molfino, Laura Rivero, Luisa Iñigo, Margarete Sachs-israel, Mariana Coolican, María Luisa Marinho, Mauricio González, Néstor López, Pedro Núñez, Rosario Austral, Tomás Esper, Valentina Arce, Victoria Rio, Victoria Seca, Vincenzo Placco, Felicitas Acosta | |Geographic focus: |Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Uruguay | |Page count: |95 páginas. | =====Methods===== The research method involved analyzing regulations, conducting interviews with authorities and experts, and surveying students. It examined secondary education structures, modalities, and internal efficiency indicators, focusing on factors influencing educational trajectories and segmentation mechanisms. \\ \\ (Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\ =====Key Insights===== The report analyzes secondary education structures and educational segmentation in Latin America, considering access, trajectories, and the impact of COVID-19. It explores adolescents' experiences with diverse educational provisions, highlighting mechanisms that support or hinder schooling continuity. \\ \\ (Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\ =====Additional Viewpoints===== Categories: {{tag>Argentina_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>Costa_Rica_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>Ecuador_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>English_publication_language}} | {{tag>Honduras_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>Mexico_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>Uruguay_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>compulsory_education}} | {{tag>educational_segmentation}} | {{tag>educational_trajectories}} | {{tag>implicit_costs}} | {{tag>institutional_arrangements}} | {{tag>pandemic_impact}} | {{tag>policy_design}} | {{tag>school_selection}} | {{tag>school_violence}} | {{tag>secondary_education}} ~~DISCUSSION~~