======Future Scenarios and Implications for the Industry====== Excerpt from report: \\ "The World Economic Forum created the Shaping the Future of Construction initiative to help IU companies understand and respond to these trends. The initiative used scenario planning to analyse how multiple present-day megatrends could lead to different versions of a future world. The World Economic Forum and The Boston Consulting Group hosted workshops with representatives from leading IU firms, industry associations, governments and academia to develop the scenarios and the strategic implications based on them. T" \\ ^ Quick Facts ^^ | Report location: |[[https://www3.weforum.org/docs/Future_Scenarios_Implications_Industry_report_2018.pdf| source]] | | Language: | English | | Publisher: | Boston Consulting Group, [[encyclopedia:world_economic_forum|World Economic Forum]] | | Authors: | | | Geographic focus: |Global | | Page count: |30 | =====Methods===== "The World Economic Forum created the Shaping the Future of Construction initiative to help IU companies understand and respond to these trends. The initiative used scenario planning to analyse how multiple present-day megatrends could lead to different versions of a future world. The World Economic Forum and The Boston Consulting Group hosted workshops with representatives from leading IU firms, industry associations, governments and academia to develop the scenarios and the strategic implications based on them."\\ * Qualitative methods used * Exploratory in nature * Scenarios are developed * Futures Workshops =====Key Insights===== The report presents three scenarios: “Building in a Virtual World,” with AI and robots dominating construction; “Factories Run the World,” with a focus on prefabrication and efficiency; and “A Green Reboot,” emphasizing sustainability and resource conservation. It discusses the need for new skills, integration across the value chain, and adoption of advanced technologies. \\ \\ Drivers mentioned include: * Climate change * resource scarcity * technological change * geostrategic fissures * Trust * Shifting demographics * talent gaps * volatility and turmoil in world politics * digital technologies * fourth industrial revolution * automatization / automation * digitalization * intelligent systems * virtual reality * robots * Infrastructure gaps * Economic changes * artificial intelligence * data and digital models * data access * technology adoption =====Additional Viewpoints===== Categories: {{tag>English_publication_language}} | {{tag>global_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>industry_4.0}} | {{tag>scenario_planning}} | {{tag>scenarios}} | {{tag>sustainability}} ~~DISCUSSION~~