======Gender and climate change-induced conflict in pastoral communities: Case study of Turkana in northwestern Kenya====== The report examines the impact of climate change on conflict in pastoral communities, focusing on Turkana, Kenya, and how it affects gender roles and livelihoods. \\ \\ (Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\ ^ Quick Facts ^^ |Report location: |[[https://foresightfordevelopment.org/sobipro/download-file/46-314/54|source]] | |Language: |English | |Authors: |Nancy A. Omolo | |Time horizon: |2020 | |Geographic focus: |Turkana, Kenya | =====Methods===== The research employed stratified random sampling, household surveys, focus group discussions, meteorological data analysis, and climate modeling using the PRECIS package to assess the impact of climate change on pastoral communities in Turkana, Kenya. \\ \\ (Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\ =====Key Insights===== The study explores climate change-induced conflicts in Turkana, Kenya, highlighting the vulnerability of pastoral communities, especially women. It discusses the transformation of livestock raiding, the impact on livelihoods, and the future of pastoralism under changing climate conditions. The research methodology includes household surveys, focus group discussions, and climate modeling. The findings suggest the need for gender-sensitive policies, diversified livelihoods, and securing pastoral mobility to adapt to climate variability. \\ \\ (Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\ =====Additional Viewpoints===== Categories: {{tag>2020_time_horizon}} | {{tag>2020s_time_horizon}} | {{tag>English_publication_language}} | {{tag>Kenya_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>Turkana_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>adaptation_strategies}} | {{tag>climate_change}} | {{tag>conflicts}} | {{tag>decision_making}} | {{tag>future}} | {{tag>gender}} | {{tag>gender_issues}} | {{tag>livelihoods}} | {{tag>mobility}} | {{tag>pastoralism}} | {{tag>resource_competition}} | {{tag>turkana}} | {{tag>vulnerability}} ~~DISCUSSION~~