======The 5th Science and Technology Foresight (2016-2040)====== Excerpt from report: \\ "The purpose of the 5th Science and Technology Foresight can be summarized by three broad objectives. The first is to predict the future society considering the internal and external environmental changes, and to predict and analyze the future technologies expected to appear throughout general fields of science and technology. The second is to contribute to the establishment of science and technology planning and policy that will strengthen the future responsiveness by reflecting the socio-economic demands of future society and the prospects for the development of science and technology. The third is to predict the tipping point of technology in terms of social spread, focusing on major innovative technologies related to the real lives of the people." \\ ^ Quick Facts ^^ | Report location: |[[https://www.kistep.re.kr/boardDownload.es?bid=0046&list_no=35988&seq=8230| source]] | | Language: | English | | Publisher: |[[encyclopedia:korea_institute_of_st_evaluation_and_planning|Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning]] | | Publication date: |October 25, 2017 | | Authors: | | | Time horizon: | 2036 - 2040 | | Geographic focus: |south_korea | | Page count: |67 | =====Methods===== Tipping point analysis\\ * Exploratory in nature * Scenarios are developed * Environmental scanning used * Delphi * Other =====Key Insights===== Drivers mentioned include: * Human Empowerment * Innovation through hyper-connectivity * Deepening environmental risk * Intensification of social complexity * reorganization of the economic system * Social infrastructure * Ecosystem and environment friendliness * transportation and robotics * Medical and life * manufacturing and convergence * Information and communication * quantum computing * brain-computer interface * artificial photosynthesis * superspeed tube train =====Additional Viewpoints===== Categories: {{tag>2017_publication_year}} | {{tag>2030s_time_horizon}} | {{tag>2036_time_horizon}} | {{tag>2040_time_horizon}} | {{tag>2040s_time_horizon}} | {{tag>English_publication_language}} | {{tag>emerging_technologies}} | {{tag>south_korea_geographic_scope}} ~~DISCUSSION~~