======The Future of Work 2050====== ^ Quick Facts ^^ | Report location: | [[https://www.houstonforesight.org/future-of-work-2050/|executive summary]] [[https://www.houstonforesight.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/NASA-LaRC-Future-of-Work-White-Paper.pdf|white paper]] | | Language: | English | | Publisher: | [[encyclopedia:university_of_houston|University of Houston]] for NASA Langley Research Center | |Publication date: |September 2017 | | Authors: | Andy Hines, Maria Romero, Tim morgan, George Paap, Mathew Palubicki| | Time horizon: | 2050 | | Geographic focus: | Global | | Page count: | 37 | =====Methods===== The Houston Team used Framework Foresight over the course of one semester (four months) to develop scenarios and recommendations. The principal components of the project include: * Scanning * Drivers * Scenarios using Jim Dator's four archetype apporach: continuation, collapse, new equillibrium, transformation * Recommended strategic approach =====Key Insights===== Drivers Identified: * Hardware automation * software automation * visualization and interface * advanced computing * security * additive/advance manufacturing * human augmentation & performance * workforce flexibility * international cooperation * systems integration * open source * mission focus * virtual-phyiscal integration * modular & reconfigurable workspaces * sustainability * testing infrastucture * funding support * new governance models Scenarios * //Good to go// continuation: Privatization, automation, and virtualization are key factors in the push for commercial success. * //Breaking Orbit// New Equilibrium: Humans are learning to be back in charge after “pulling the plug” on self-aware AI. * //Failure to Launch// Collapse: Work for people is available, but the ability to pay them is scarce. * //New Frontiers// Transformation: A gradual, intentional approach guides a symbiotic relationship between people and their tech partners in a world of abundance. =====Additional Viewpoints===== Categories: {{tag>2017_publication_year}} | {{tag>2050_time_horizon}} | {{tag>2050s_time_horizon}} | {{tag>English_publication_language}} | {{tag>Global_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>augmentation}} | {{tag>automation}} | {{tag>digital_transformation}} | {{tag>facilities}} | {{tag>labs_&_policy}} | {{tag>scenarios}} | {{tag>strategic_approach}} | {{tag>work_models}} | {{tag>workforce}} ~~DISCUSSION~~