====== The Passionates: Values and Emotions Will Shape the Future of Business ====== This is a template to help editors create library articles. Detailed instructions for using this template can be found at [[hub:library_template]]. Passionates care about multiple important global issues, and they care about all of them with equal intensity. Everything matters to them: themselves, other people, society as a whole, the planet. And while they currently make up only 20% of the general population, they’re likely to become more dominant over time. That makes them an increasingly influential market force to reckon with. ^ Quick Facts ^^ | Report location: | https://www.sap.com/insights/research/social-impact-in-business.html | | Language: | English | | Publisher: | https://openforesighthub.org/doku.php?id=encyclopedia:sap | |Publication date: | 2021 | | Authors: | Dan Wellers, Fawn Fitter | =====Key Insights===== * An influential – and growing – market segment cares intensely about big issues in society, and they want the companies they buy from, work for, and respect to do the same * Passionates believe in taking action to make the world a better place – and they expect business leaders to do the same. * They expect you to act, and if they don’t approve of your efforts, their judgment is swift and unsparing. * What really stands out to Passionates, compared to everyone else, are the intrinsic characteristics of your company’s leaders. * We found Passionates among every generation, although the younger someone is, the more likely they are to be a Passionate. =====Additional Viewpoints===== Optionally, include commentary or criticism about the report. It could be your own commentary, or link conversation from other sources. Categories: {{tag>consumer values customer_experience employees}} ~~DISCUSSION~~