======The Urban Future: Enclosed Neighbourhoods?======
The report examines the rise of enclosed neighborhoods in South Africa as a response to crime, and its implications for urban planning and social dynamics. \\
(Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\
^ Quick Facts ^^
|Report location: |[[https://foresightfordevelopment.org/sobipro/download-file/46-774/54|source]] |
|Language: |English |
|Publisher: |
CSIR Building And Construction Technology \\
|Authors: |Karina Landman |
|Geographic focus: |South Africa, Johannesburg |
The research method involved a questionnaire sent to 100 Local Authorities in South Africa, with 43 responding. It also included a review of international gated communities, analysis of current trends, and identification of critical issues related to neighborhood enclosures. \\
(Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\
=====Key Insights=====
The research explores the trend of enclosed neighborhoods in South Africa, particularly in Johannesburg, as a response to crime and the desire for improved quality of life. It assesses the effectiveness of such enclosures, the legal and social implications, and the potential impact on urban futures, considering the legacy of apartheid and the current push for integrated urban planning. \\
(Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\
=====Additional Viewpoints=====
Categories: {{tag>English_publication_language}} | {{tag>Johannesburg_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>South_Africa_geographic_scope}} | {{tag>community_sense}} | {{tag>crime_prevention}} | {{tag>enclosed_neighborhoods}} | {{tag>enclosed_neighbourhoods}} | {{tag>legal_implications}} | {{tag>poverty}} | {{tag>privatization}} | {{tag>property_values}} | {{tag>safety_perception}} | {{tag>scenarios}} | {{tag>social_dynamics}} | {{tag>urban_fragmentation}} | {{tag>urban_future}} | {{tag>urban_planning}} | {{tag>urban_poor}}