======Elizabeth Herfel====== Hi, I'm Elizabeth Herfel. I'm an admin here at Open Foresight Hub. I wrote most of the [[hub:user_guide|user guides]], so if you have questions about how to navigate and edit Open Foresight Hub, I'm a good person to ask. I'm a foresight research intern at SAP and a recent graduate of University of Houston's Foresight master's program. My background is in industrial design. =====Contact===== For OFH related stuff, you can reach me on my [[editor_notes:user:elizabethherfel|user notes page]]. You can also reach the admin team at If you want to connect, here's where you can find me on the web :) \\ \\ [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabethherfel|Linkedin]] \\ [[https://elizabethherfel.com|Portfolio]] \\ Categories: {{tag>admin_userpages}} ~~DISCUSSION~~