Editor Notes

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This is an administrative page where editors can discuss improvements to the associated page. To discuss the content or topic of the page, please comment in the discussion section at the bottom of the main page.

You can propose edits by adding and replying to comments in the “Recommended Page Edits and Discussion” section below. Please do not modify or edit items in “Editor Task List” unless you are one of the page's editors.

Please read the guide for Editor Notes pages to learn more.

Editor Task List

If you are one of the editors for this page, then use the following code snippet to enter and manage a particular task entry.

Sites to Be Indexed

This is a list of sites that contain content to be added to the library:

  1. https://www.dubaifuture.ae/latest-insights | Dubai Future Foundation
  2. https://futuretodayinstitute.com/trends/ | Future Today Institute
  3. https://worldbuild.ai/ | World Build.ai
  4. https://2050.earth/ | Earth 2050 by Kapersky
  5. https://www.futuregenerations.wales/work/ | Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
  6. https://rossdawson.com/futurist/government-foresight/ | Ross Dawson - Government Foresight programs - an index of sites to index
  7. https://www.dni.gov/index.php/gt2040-home | US National Intelligence Council
  8. https://www.wundermanthompson.com/ | Wunderman Thompson - publish an annual trends report
  9. https://www.zsi.at/en/object/publication/list | Centre for Social Innovation
  10. http://foresight-platform.eu/briefs-resources/ | European Foresight Platform
  11. https://ec.europa.eu/archives/futurium/digital-agenda/ | European Commission: Digital Agenda for Europe
  12. https://www.eiu.com/n/solutions/viewpoint/ | Economist Intelligence Unit
  13. https://www.nrel.gov/analysis/future-system-scenarios.html | US Nationa Renewable Energy Laboratory
  14. https://www.forumforthefuture.org/ | Forum for the Future
  15. https://www.rand.org/ | RAND Corporation
  16. https://futuref.org/ | Future Foundation
  17. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/home | UNESCO Digital Library
  18. https://www.nistep.go.jp/en/?page_id=3800 | Japan National Institute for Science and Technology Policy
  19. http://foresightcanada.com/ | Foresight Canada
  20. https://espas.eu/ | European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)


To add a site to the list…

  1. confirm the URL is not in the “Indexed Sites for Periodic Update”
  2. add the URL to list above

Sites Being Indexed

Sites that are currently being reviewed and indexed:


  1. To index a site, for each piece of content on the site add the its URL to the “Content to Be Indexed” section below.

Indexed Sites for Periodic Update

This is the list of sites with content that has been added to the library and that should be checked periodically for new content:

Content to be Indexed

URLs to specific pieces of content that are yet to be added to the library:

  1. https://www.dni.gov/index.php/gt2040-home | US National Intelligence Council Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World
  2. https://whichwaynigeria.ng/ | Which Way Nigeria - Citizen Scenarios to 2060
  3. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2021EF002018 | Earth's Future: Sustainable Use of Groundwater May Dramatically Reduce Irrigated Production of Maize, Soybean, and Wheat
  4. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000245862 | Inequalities and social progress in the future

Content Being Indexed

Content that is in the process of being added to the library:


To add a piece of content to the library…

  1. move the URL from the “Content to be Indexed” section to the “Content Being Indexed” section.
  2. note your userid and date as above
  3. delete the row when you have completed adding the content to the library