Open Foresight Hub

Given enough perspectives, all futures become clear.


The mission of the Open Foresight Hub is to organize and share foresight knowledge and views using open collaborative principles. Centered on crowd-sourced wiki principles, the Hub aims to make it possible for anyone to access and contribute to the collective effort.

The Open Foresight Network provides a platform - based on open and collaborative principles - for the exchange of views about futures and the forces shaping them; and about foresight methods and the people and organizations creating and using them.


Now more than ever, our hope for a better tomorrow depends on collective efforts to create better futures. Creating better futures begins by envisioning better futures. Yet, it’s not enough for one or even two to envision the same futures. Rather, it takes many people working together to understand the diversity of perspectives, seek points of alignment, and build compatible visions of tomorrow.

To achieve this at a global level requires us to collectively discern, decolonize, and democratize the diversity of views about our futures and the forces shaping them. This is only possible with a completely open and collaborative approach to foresight.

Collectively Discern

To address the wide range of views, issues, concerns and opportunities about tomorrow begins by collectively understanding them. The vision for the Hub is to establish ways to collectively discern futures and the forces shaping them.

Collectively Decolonize

To envision futures that are globally and locally inclusive requires understanding alternative views and insights. The vision for the Hub is to establish ways to seek divergent perspectives on the forces shaping tomorrow.

Collectively Democratize

To create decolonized, collective perspectives requires giving everyone an equal voice. The vision for the Hub is to establish fully open, democratic approaches to sharing insights and perspectives.