Typical page structure

This page outlines the typical sections that might exist on a page and how they should be structured. Take this as a general guide, and not a firm rule. Different topics may need different sections to properly explain them. Editors are encouraged to use their own judgment when organizing articles.

Articles vs. pages

The term “page” encompasses all the material on Open Foresight Hub, including encyclopedia topics, Editor Notes pages, tag pages, and special pages such as Recent changes . “Article” is a narrower term referring to a page containing a written composition on a specific topic. Thus, all articles are pages, but not all pages are articles.

Some namespaces have built-in skeleton templates to help editors organize articles.

Article titles

When titling a wiki article, it's important to choose a title that accurately reflects the content of the article- making it easy for users to find in a search, and understand what the article will contain . Here are some tips for titling a wiki article:

Summary section

Summarize the topic using neutral and objective language. In the summary, avoid using biased or subjective language that could be interpreted as promoting a particular point of view. Stick to the facts and present them in a neutral manner with citations. If the summary gets longer than a few (2-3) paragraphs, or you need to elaborate further, consider splitting it up into multiple subsections with second-fifth level headings.

Quick facts

You may wish to include a table with key information about your topic that readers can read at a glance. For example, a library article may include a table with the publisher, publication date, number of pages etc. The best place for this type of table is between the introductory paragraph(s) and the first subheading. Namespaces with skeleton templates will typically include a pre-made quick facts table for editors to input information into. Some rows may be marked as “optional” in the templates. These rows can be left blank if you don’t know or couldn’t find that information, or removed if it is not applicable to your article. You may also add rows as necessary.

In futures research

You may wish to highlight futures research and reports that cover your article’s topic. Create links to the reports wiki page, and briefly explain the report’s connection to the topic.

Additional viewpoints

While you should aim for a neutral and objective tone in the summary sections, additional viewpoints is a place that allows editors to take a position on the topic, and provide commentary and criticism. This section should still be written in an expository style and claims should be supported by citations.


Many pages have Discussion sections, where registered users can comment on a page without directly editing it. In discussion sections, you can discuss the topic in a more casual and conversational manner. Editors may add discussion sections to pages by adding into the page source.

When to remove discussion comments

Administrators may remove discussion posts:

When not to remove discussion comments

Administrators have the ability to temporarily hide or delete comments, but removing comments should not be taken lightly. Once deleted, discussion comments cannot be recovered. This is unlike edits made within the body of the page, which are easily recovered.

Discussion comments vs Editor Notes pages

Editor Notes pages are used to discuss administrative topics for a particular page, such as whether the page is in compliance with OFH policies and meets quality standards. The discussion section meanwhile is for discussing the article topic and content.

Further Reading

The further reading section of an article contains a bulleted list of a reasonable number of works that a reader may consult for additional and more detailed coverage of the subject. This section may also contain a bulleted list of recommended relevant websites, each accompanied by a short description. These hyperlinks should not appear in the article's body text, nor should links used as references normally be duplicated in this section.


A citation, also called a reference, uniquely identifies a source of information. Providing citations helps readers verify that the information given is supported by reliable sources.

How to cite

When to cite

When not to cite


footnotes generate automatically at the bottom of a page