Respect Other Contributors

Respect other contributors is a code of conduct policy. Open Foresight Hub's Code of Conduct outlines acceptable behavior by, and between, users on Open Foresight Hub. The code of conduct applies to everyone who interacts and contributes to online and offline Open Foresight Hub projects and spaces. We believe in creating a space in which as many people as possible can actively and safely engage in the Open Foresight Hub.

Be friendly when interacting with other users in editor notes, edit summaries, and in other discussion venues. Open Foresight Hub contributors come from many different countries and cultures and have widely different views. Treating others with respect is key to collaborating effectively in building this Hub.

Giving others space to talk and explain their ideas, and responding with kindness and an open mind, is the best conduct we can ask for. If someone is doing something that you perceive as mistaken, you can write on their editor notes describing the incorrect action or behavior and provide encouragement and advice on how to make it better, linking to specific policies or guidelines if applicable. People are not born with an intuitive understanding of wikicode, or even the English language. Positive reinforcement goes a long way to making the community stronger and new users better contributors—because even bad contributions are additions.

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