10 grand challenges we'll face by 2050

10 grand challenges we'll face by 2050 takes a look into what the world might encounter in the year 2050 and the challenges that could arise. It delves into different aspects like climate change, population growth, resource scarcity, and technological advancements, and how they could impact societies worldwide. It stresses the importance of finding sustainable solutions, managing resources efficiently, and having effective governance to tackle the potential consequences. The article also highlights the need for proactive planning and collaboration to address the complex issues that may arise in the future.

Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: BBC
Publication date: July 12, 2017
Authors: Bryan Lufkin
Time horizon: 2050
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved gathering insights from leading scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs, and influencers over two months to understand the challenges we face in today's rapidly evolving world.

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Key Insights

The report from BBC Future Now examines the grand challenges the world may face by 2050. It discusses the rapid advancements in technology and science and their potential impacts on society. Key issues include the ethical debates surrounding genetic modification of humans, the implications of an aging global population, and the threat of rising sea levels to coastal cities. The evolution of social media, new geopolitical tensions, and the need for safe car travel with an increasing number of vehicles on the road are also highlighted. Additionally, the report touches on dwindling natural resources, the challenges of settling other worlds, enhanced brainpower through pharmaceuticals and implants, and the growing dominance of artificial intelligence in our lives. The article emphasizes the importance of preparing for these challenges and considering their ethical implications.

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