2050 Scenarios: four plausible futures

This report explores four plausible scenarios for the world in 2050, focusing on the interplay between societal conditions and planetary health.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: ARUP
Publication date: December 1, 2019
Authors: Stephanie Schemel, Jonelle Simunich, Chris Luebkeman, Adam Ozinsky, Riley McCullough, Lola Bushnell
Time horizon: 2050
Geographic focus: Global
Page count: 68


The research method involved reviewing global trends and projections from various sources, mapping these trends onto a matrix with axes for planetary health and societal condition, and developing narratives, stories, data, and timelines for each scenario. The scenarios were refined through workshops and expert consultations, using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a guide.

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Key Insights

“2050 Scenarios: Four plausible futures” presents four distinct visions of the world in 2050, each exploring the potential interplay between societal conditions and planetary health. These scenarios—Post Anthropocene, Greentocracy, Extinction Express, and Humans Inc.—serve as a platform for discussions on future social, technological, economic, and environmental conditions. The report aims to challenge assumptions, inform key decisions, and visualize what is worth striving for or avoiding in the design and planning of the built environment.

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