Africa 2025

This report explores possible futures for Sub-Saharan Africa by 2025 through various scenarios.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: African Futures
Time horizon: 2025
Geographic focus: Sub-saharan Africa


The research method used in the report involves constructing exploratory scenarios based on assumptions about critical uncertainties. These uncertainties include demographics, the economy, social and cultural factors, and governance. The scenarios are informed by workshops, structural analysis, a status report, and various studies.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

Key Insights

The report presents a comprehensive analysis of potential futures for Sub-Saharan Africa by the year 2025. It does not aim to predict or propose a specific future but rather to explore a range of possibilities through scenarios based on different assumptions. The study considers the region's past, the actions of its people, and external factors beyond their control. It examines demographics, the economy, societal organization, governance, and external influences. The report also discusses the impact of HIV/AIDS on the population, the state of the economy, social and cultural factors, and the nature of governance. It outlines four scenarios: stagnation, systemic shocks, economic growth with environmental neglect, and a balanced approach combining traditional and modern values. Each scenario is based on assumptions about relational logic, economic productivity, and political frameworks. The report emphasizes the importance of ownership, anticipation, and action in shaping the future of Sub-Saharan Africa.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

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