Africa 2050: Emerging Results from IFs Modelling Tool

This report models Africa's future to 2050 using the International Futures (IFs) tool, exploring scenarios and their implications.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

University of Denver

Authors: The Futures Of Africa Project, Julius Gatune
Time horizon: 2050
Geographic focus: Africa


The research method involved using the International Futures (IFs) modeling tool to simulate different scenarios for Africa's future. The model incorporates variables related to demographics, economics, governance, technology, and societal factors to forecast outcomes up to the year 2050.

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Key Insights

The report from the Frederick S. Pardee Centre for International Futures uses the International Futures (IFs) model to simulate various scenarios for Africa's future up to the year 2050. It examines the impact of governance, knowledge, entrepreneurship, and societal changes on the continent's development. The report outlines four scenarios: Jua Kali (business as usual), Broken Stool (state failure), Emerging Africa (positive transformation), and Jabali Africa (Africa as a global leader). It also considers the role of external drivers such as globalization, technology trends, and international relations. The simulations predict population growth, urbanization, economic changes, and shifts in health and education. The report suggests that Africa's future is not predetermined and that strategic choices made today can significantly alter the continent's trajectory.

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