African futures: Horizon 2025

This report examines the socio-political, economic, and security transformations facing African countries, highlighting both opportunities and risks. It emphasizes the importance of regional cooperation, social inclusion, and governance capacity in addressing these challenges.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: European Union Institute for Security Studies
Authors: Aleksandra Tor, Alex Vines, Alice Vervaeke, Francesco Strazzari, Laura Kokko, Valérie Arnould
Page count: 84 pages


The research method employed in the report involves a combination of qualitative and quantitative analyses, including case studies, statistical data evaluation, and expert consultations. The report synthesizes findings from various sources to provide a nuanced understanding of the trends shaping Africa's future.

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Key Insights

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of Africa's future prospects, considering the impact of the youth bulge, resource depletion, and religious extremism. It stresses the need for effective regional cooperation, inclusive policies, and improved governance to manage the continent's multi-layered security environment and promote sustainable development.

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