Against the rising tide: an overview of the growing criminalisation of the Mediterranean region

This report examines the growing criminalization in the Mediterranean basin, highlighting the challenges reshaping the international order and the need for new strategies that integrate various instruments of power.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: RAND
Authors: Giacomo Persi Paoli, Jacopo Bellasio
Geographic focus: Mediterreanean_sea, European_union, North_africa, Mediterranean_basin, European_Union, United_States, North_Africa, Middle_East, Sahel, West_Africa, Arabian_Peninsula, South_America, Asia
Page count: 39


The research method involved a review of literature, scenario-based sensitivity analysis, and strategic-level exercises to understand the complex regional challenges and develop integrated civil-military responses.

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Key Insights

The Mediterranean Sea has become a region of strategic global interest, where political tensions, armed conflict, economic instability, and transnational criminal networks demand solutions that cross traditional boundaries. The report focuses on the criminal activities in the region, particularly human, arms, and drug trafficking, and the implications for security and policy responses.

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