ASEAN Policy Brief on Safe School Reopening, Learning Recovery and Continuity

This report examines strategies for safely reopening schools, recovering learning, and ensuring continuity in the ASEAN region amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. It emphasizes the need for swift action, cross-sector collaboration, and prioritization of the most vulnerable students.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

ASEAN Secretariat

Authors: Akihiro Fushimi, Amalia M. Serrano, Dominique Koeppl, Francisco Benavides, Juliana Suarez Cortes, Rodora T. Babaran, Roger Yap Chao Jr., Shinta Permata Sari, Teresita Felipe, H.e. Ekkaphab Phanthavong
Page count: 42


The research method involved analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on education, surveying ASEAN Member States, and reviewing global and regional evidence. It included feedback from external and internal peer reviewers and experts from various organizations.

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Key Insights

The ASEAN Policy Brief on Safe School Reopening, Learning Recovery and Continuity provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and strategies for reopening schools safely amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It outlines immediate and long-term measures, emphasizing equity, inclusion, and resilience in education systems. The brief also highlights the importance of regional cooperation and knowledge sharing to address learning disruptions and build stronger, more flexible education systems for the future.

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