Breakthrough: Harnessing technology for a better future

The report discusses how technology can help achieve sustainable development goals within the next decade.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Brookings Institution
Publication date: December 9, 2021
Authors: Homi Kharas, Izumi Ohno, John W. McArthur, Jonathan Ledgard, Lesly Goh, Bright Simons
Geographic focus: United States


The research method involved expert contributions compiled into a book, with a virtual event hosted to discuss the key ideas.

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Key Insights

The report, “Breakthrough: The Promise of Frontier Technologies for Sustainable Development,” explores how technological innovations could impact society and the environment over the next ten years. It suggests that incremental progress will not suffice to meet the U.N.'s sustainable development goals by 2030, and that significant scientific, product, and institutional breakthroughs are necessary. The book, comprising 15 expert contributions, was highlighted in a virtual event hosted by the Center for Sustainable Development at Brookings and the JICA Ogata Research Institute. The event featured discussions on big ideas from the book, emphasizing the potential of technology to improve the human condition and achieve sustainability targets.

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