Child, early and forced marriage and unions: Harmful practices that deepen gender inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean

Child, early and forced marriage and unions (CEFMU) are harmful practices deepening gender inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean, affecting girls' autonomy and future.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Alejandra Alzúrreca, Alejandra Valdés, Ana Gómezmes García, Belén Villegas, Camila Barón, Francisca Orellana, Hanna Kulyk, Iliana Vaca Trigo, Ivonne Urriola, Juliette Bonnafé, June Pomposo, Leah Tandeter, Lucía Scuro, Macarena Muñoz, Mariela Córdoba, Marisa Weinstein, Shelly Abdool, Sol Pradelli
Geographic focus: Latin America And The Caribbean
Page count: 38 páginas.


The research method involved analyzing statistical and qualitative data to understand the impact of CEFMU on gender inequalities, particularly focusing on the time spent by girls and adolescent girls on domestic and care tasks.

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Key Insights

CEFMU in Latin America and the Caribbean are complex phenomena linked to gender inequality, violence, poverty, and limited education. They jeopardize girls' and adolescent girls' futures, disproportionately impacting those in rural and impoverished areas, often with higher prevalence among indigenous populations. This report highlights CEFMU as both a cause and consequence of restricted autonomy for women, emphasizing the need for regional action and innovative solutions to address the gaps in development dimensions, including domestic and care tasks.

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