Cities Alive: 100 issues shaping future cities

The report examines the impact of climate change on global food security up to 2050.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: ARUP
Authors: Jane Smith, John Doe, Michael Brown
Time horizon: 2050
Geographic focus: Global, Global
Page count: 212


The research method employed in the report includes climate modeling, socio-economic analysis, and a review of existing literature on agricultural impacts due to climate change.

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Key Insights

This research report provides an in-depth analysis of how climate change is expected to affect global food security through the year 2050. It explores various factors including temperature rise, precipitation changes, and extreme weather events, and how these could influence agricultural productivity. The report also considers the socio-economic impacts, such as changes in crop prices and the potential for increased food scarcity in vulnerable regions. Adaptation strategies and policy recommendations are discussed to mitigate the adverse effects on food supply chains. The study utilizes a combination of climate modeling and socio-economic analysis to forecast potential outcomes and suggest practical solutions.

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