Cognitive systems: applications and impact - report

This report explores the future of cognitive systems and their societal impacts, focusing on applications and challenges over the next 10-20 years.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: UK Government Office for Science
Publication date: November 30, 2003
Authors: Bill Sharpe
Time horizon: 2013 - 2023
Geographic focus: Global
Page count: 40


The research method involved commissioning reports to build a point of view on scientific insights into cognitive systems. The report is not comprehensive but serves as an initial perspective to stimulate further investigation and debate. It relies on quoting and linking to representative work found on the Web, with limited interaction with domain experts.

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Key Insights

The report commissioned by Dr. John M. Taylor for the Cognitive Systems Foresight Project aims to envision future developments in cognitive systems by leveraging advances in life sciences, physical sciences, and related fields. It discusses the interplay between natural and artificial cognitive systems, their applications, and societal impacts. The report highlights the emergence of the Ambient Web, the integration of computing into everyday objects, and the potential for new forms of economic activity and public policy challenges. It also touches on the commercialization of cognitive systems, the ethical and societal concerns, and the need for public debate. The document serves as a resource for stimulating further investigation and discussion within the scientific community and beyond.

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Additional Viewpoints

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