Competing Higher Education Futures in a Globalising World

The report explores various future scenarios for higher education in a global context, focusing on challenges, opportunities, and the impact of globalization.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

European Journal Of Education

Authors: Paul Lefrere
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involves analyzing themes from European conferences, reviewing literature on future scenarios for higher education, and examining the implications of globalization on higher education institutions. It also includes a critique of current planning approaches and proposes more inclusive, complex scenario-building techniques.

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Key Insights

The research examines the future of higher education in a globalized world, considering different scenarios and their implications. It discusses the potential for higher education institutions to adapt to globalization through various models, such as embracing change, market-led strategies, and focusing on lifelong learning. The study also addresses the importance of capacity-building in developing countries and the role of higher education in fostering global citizenship. It critiques the current trend of simple extrapolated futures in planning and emphasizes the need for more complex, inclusive approaches that consider the interests of all stakeholders. The paper concludes by highlighting the importance of employability and job creation in the context of higher education and global competitiveness.

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