Consolidating Africa's Regional Integration Efforts

The report discusses the critical role of regional integration in Africa's economic growth and development prospects.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Stephen N. Karingi, Mwangi S. Kimenyi
Time horizon: 2022
Geographic focus: Africa


The research method involves analyzing trade agreements, regional integration progress, and economic data, as well as proposing policy actions for African governments and regional bodies.

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Key Insights

The report emphasizes the importance of regional integration for Africa's economic growth, highlighting the continent's numerous small economies and landlocked nations. It notes that while intra-African trade has increased, it remains a small fraction of total trade compared to other regions. The report is optimistic about the progress of regional integration in 2012, citing the tripartite free trade agreement negotiations, the push for a continental free trade area, and the African Union Summit focused on intra-African trade. It suggests that removing tariff barriers could significantly boost intra-regional exports and trade share, but non-tariff barriers and infrastructure weaknesses are more constraining. The report calls for African governments to prioritize regional integration, for regional economic communities to learn from each other and implement existing agreements, and for regional organizations to support these efforts, especially in preparation for the Continental Free Trade Area.

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