Cotton 2040 Impact Report

This report concludes the Cotton 2040 initiative, detailing its impact on creating a sustainable, climate-resilient, and equitable global cotton industry.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Forum for the Future, Center for Data Innovation
Authors: Hannah Pathak, Martin Koehring, Neil Walker, Hannah Cunneen, Tanya Grueneberger
Time horizon: 2023
Geographic focus: Global, United States, India, China, Pakistan, Brazil, Turkey


The research method involved multi-stakeholder collaboration, data analysis, tool and resource development, and pilot projects. It combined the expertise of brands, retailers, standards bodies, producers, and NGOs to address systemic challenges in the cotton industry.

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Key Insights

The Cotton 2040 initiative, led by Forum for the Future, aimed to transform the global cotton industry into a sustainable, climate-resilient, and socially equitable sector. Spanning eight years (2015-2023), it brought together stakeholders across the value chain to address climate risks, harmonize sustainability standards, and pilot new business models. Key achievements include the development of a Global Cotton Climate Risk Tool, the CottonUp guide for sustainable sourcing, and the trial of regenerative cotton protocols in the US. The report offers tools, resources, and recommendations to continue driving industry-wide change.

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