Cross-Cutting Challenges and their Implications for the Mediterranean Region

The report examines geopolitical challenges in the Mediterranean, focusing on migration, maritime security, and terrorism, and the need for integrated civil-military responses.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: RAND
Authors: Giacomo Persi Paoli, Michael J. McNerney, Michael J. McNerny, Sarah Grand-Clement
Geographic focus: Mediterranean Sea, European Union, North Africa, Mediterranean
Page count: 27


The research method involved scenario-based sensitivity analysis, strategic-level exercises, and the establishment of the Mediterranean Foresight Forum (MFF) to support the development of integrated civil-military responses to regional challenges.

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Key Insights

This research report by RAND Corporation analyzes the geopolitical challenges in the Mediterranean region, particularly after the Arab Spring of 2011. It highlights the need for comprehensive civil-military strategies to address issues such as migration, maritime security, and terrorism. The report emphasizes the importance of diplomatic efforts, law enforcement, military capabilities, and international cooperation to manage these complex challenges effectively. It also discusses the role of criminal networks in exacerbating these issues. The report is part of the Mediterranean Foresight Forum series, which aims to support policymakers in developing integrated responses to regional challenges.

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