Democratic Governance and New Democracy in Africa: Agenda for the Future

This report discusses the crisis of democracy in Africa and the need for a new democratic agenda.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Archie Mafeje
Geographic focus: Africa


The research method used in the report is a historical and analytical review of the political and economic developments in Africa, with a focus on the post-colonial period.

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Key Insights

The report by Archie Mafeje examines the historical and contemporary challenges to democracy in Africa, including the legacy of colonialism, the failure of post-independence governments, and the influence of external forces like the World Bank. It critiques the neo-colonial state for its inability to deliver democracy or social equity and proposes a new democracy that emphasizes people's sovereignty, social justice, and equitable access to resources. The report also addresses the concepts of democratic governance and social democracy, advocating for a democratic developmental state that can lead to genuine self-reliance and resist the pressures of globalization.

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