Developing New Future Scenarios for the U.S. Coast Guards's Evergree Strategic Foresight Program

The U.S. Coast Guard's Evergreen Strategic Foresight Program aims to bridge the gap between future challenges and current plans by developing scenarios that inform strategic decision-making. This report presents an updated approach for creating global planning scenarios and examples relevant to future Coast Guard readiness.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: RAND
Authors: Aaron C. Davenport, Abbie Tingstad, Jordan R. Fischbach, Katherin Anania, Katherine Anania, Kristin Van Abel, Michael T. Wilson, R. J. Briggs, Scott Savitz, Stephanie Pezard, Susan A. Resetar, et al.
Time horizon: 2040 - 2050
Geographic focus: United States
Page count: 144


The research method used in the report involved reviewing past Evergreen activities, examining Coast Guard strategy-making and planning processes, and developing a qualitative scenario approach. This approach combined resilience and decision-making-under-deep-uncertainty methods to formulate global planning scenarios. The method also included expert workshops and games to elicit insights about potential drivers of change and their impact on Coast Guard missions.

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Key Insights

The report documents the development of new scenarios for the U.S. Coast Guard's Evergreen program, focusing on bridging future challenges with near-term plans. It reviews past Evergreen activities, examines Coast Guard strategy-making and planning processes, and proposes a qualitative scenario development approach. This approach combines methods from resilience and decision-making-under-deep-uncertainty practices, formulating global planning scenarios for Evergreen analyses. The report also presents exemplar scenarios and considerations for future Coast Guard readiness related to workforce and assets.

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