East Africa Strategic Futures: Food Security, the Environment and Livelihoods

This report discusses a workshop on East African food security, environment, and livelihoods, focusing on future socio-economic issues and policy planning using scenarios.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English


Geographic focus: East Africa, Africa


The research method involved a workshop with visioning exercises, scenario exploration, and back-casting. Participants from various sectors developed strategies and policies for East African food security, environments, and livelihoods, considering climate change impacts.

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Key Insights

The report details a workshop hosted by CCAFS and SID-EA, which utilized regional scenarios to explore future challenges and opportunities for East African food security, environments, and livelihoods. Participants engaged in visioning exercises, scenario exploration, and back-casting to develop robust strategies and policies for the region's agricultural research and development, considering climate change impacts.

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