Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Employment trends in an unprecedented crisis: policy challenges

The report examines the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on employment in Latin America and the Caribbean, highlighting massive job losses, shifts to inactivity, and the slow recovery of formal employment, with a focus on the challenges faced by young people in the labor market.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Bolívar Pino, Juan Jacobo Velasco, Jürgen Weller, Mario Velásquez, Sonia Gontero, Gerhard Reinecke
Geographic focus: Latin America And The Caribbean
Page count: 56 páginas.


The research method involved analyzing labor market indicators, conducting business surveys, and reviewing policies implemented by governments in response to the COVID-19 crisis. The focus was on changes in participation, employment, and unemployment rates, especially among young people.

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Key Insights

The COVID-19 pandemic led to the suspension of non-essential activities, resulting in significant job losses, particularly among young people and informal workers. Governments responded with support policies, but the recovery is expected to be slow, with risks of increased informality and lasting impacts on young people's employment prospects.

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