Envisioning New Partnerships For Africa's Future: Making Global Governance Work in a Post-2015 World

This report explores future scenarios for Africa's development governance and global partnerships by 2022.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Global Governance Futures
Publication date: September 1, 2013
Authors: Clara Brandi, GGF 2022 Global Development Governance Working Group; Dominik Balthasar, Ginger Turner, Hannah Bowen, Jiajun Xu, Kathrin Hamm, Whitney Haring-Smith, Yuzhe Wang
Time horizon: 2022
Geographic focus: Africa, Sub-Saharan_Africa
Page count: 47


The research method used was a scenario methodology, which involved creating a list of influential factors, defining their interrelationships, calculating consistent factor combinations, developing detailed storylines for each scenario, and drafting policy recommendations.

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Key Insights

The report by the Global Governance Futures program presents three scenarios for Africa's development governance by 2022. It examines the role of global governance in shaping development outcomes, the influence of China, and the effectiveness of current and future partnerships. The scenarios are built using a scenario methodology, considering factors like economic positions, technological innovations, and shifts in institutional culture. The report focuses on Sub-Saharan Africa, analyzing financial flows, institutions, norms, goals, and multi-sector relationships. It provides insights and policy recommendations based on the scenarios, emphasizing the importance of African solutions, the critical role of infrastructure, and the need for policy coherence beyond aid.

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