Facing Alternative Futures Prospects for and Paths to Food Security in Africa

The report examines the future of food security in Africa, exploring how policy choices and investments can significantly impact malnutrition and agricultural productivity by 2025.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: International Food Policy Research Institute
Authors: Rowena A. Valmonte-santos, Sarah A. Cline, Timothy B. Sulser, Weibo Li, Mark W. Rosegrant, Mark W. Rosegrant, Sarah A. Cline, Weibo Li, Timothy B. Sulser, Rowena A.valmonte-santos
Time horizon: 2025
Geographic focus: Sub-saharan Africa, West Asia/north Africa, Africa


The research method involved using the International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT) and IMPACT–WATER to simulate different policy scenarios and their potential effects on food security in Africa.

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Key Insights

The report by the International Food Policy Research Institute analyzes the state of food security in Africa and projects its future up to 2025. It presents various scenarios that could lead to either an increase or decrease in the number of malnourished individuals, particularly children, based on different policy and investment decisions. The scenarios range from pessimistic outcomes with increased malnutrition due to poor investments and policy choices, to optimistic 'vision' scenarios where strategic investments and reforms lead to significant improvements in food security. The report emphasizes the importance of agricultural productivity, trade liberalization, infrastructure development, education, and women's empowerment in achieving food security in Africa.

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