Feeding the Greater Horn of Eastern Africa

The report analyzes the food security situation in the Greater Horn of East Africa, focusing on drivers of food insecurity and potential solutions.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Society for International Development
Authors: Rockefeller Foundation
Geographic focus: Greater Horn Of East Africa, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Africa


The research method involved analyzing current weather conditions, climate change effects, land acquisitions, and conflict situations. It also included reviewing food security outlooks from the Famine Early Warning System and other relevant sources.

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Key Insights

The March 2010 report by the Society for International Development examines the critical issue of food security in the Greater Horn of East Africa. It identifies the main drivers of food insecurity, including current weather conditions, climate change, land acquisition by foreign entities, and conflict. The report provides a detailed outlook for food security in 2010 for countries within the region, such as Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. It discusses the impact of droughts, high food prices, and the effects of conflict on vulnerable populations. Additionally, the report explores the phenomenon of the 'Great African Land Rush' where foreign countries and investors are acquiring large areas of arable land in Africa, raising concerns about the implications for local food security and sovereignty.

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