Financing the future of supercomputing

This report examines how to boost investment in high performance computing (HPC) in Europe, highlighting the need for increased public support and the development of commercially oriented business models.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: European Investment Bank
Authors: Alberto Casorati, Arnold Verbeek, Björn-sören Gigler
Geographic focus: Europe
Page count: 154 pages


The research method included expert interviews, participation in conferences, review of existing programs and initiatives, and validation discussions. It aimed to provide market insights and build on existing initiatives to enhance HPC investment conditions.

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Key Insights

The report emphasizes the critical role of public sector support for strategic HPC infrastructure, the importance of HPC for innovation and competitiveness, and the challenges faced by European HPC organizations in accessing finance. It recommends strengthening public investment, fostering commercial business models, and improving access to finance.

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