Food Security by 2050: Insights from the Agrimonde Project

The Agrimonde Project explores two scenarios for global food and agricultural systems by 2050, focusing on sustainable production and consumption.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Bruno Dorin, Sébastien Treyer, Tevecia Ronzon, Tristan Le Cotty, Sandrine Paillard, Sandrine Paillard, Bruno Dorin, Tristan Le Cotty, Tevecia Ronzon, Sébastien Treyer
Time horizon: 2050
Geographic focus: Global


The research method combined qualitative storylines with quantitative modeling using the Agribiom tool. This iterative process involved making sets of quantitative assumptions guided by storylines about the main drivers of change, which were then used to simulate resource-use balances at global and regional levels. The quantitative assumptions were checked for coherence by assessing the balances between food biomass resources and their uses.

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Key Insights

The Agrimonde Project, conducted between 2006 and 2008, involved French experts who developed two scenarios for the world’s food and agricultural systems by 2050. The first scenario, Agrimonde GO (AGO), is a business-as-usual scenario, while the second, Agrimonde 1 (AG1), is a rupture scenario that envisions a world that has achieved sustainable food production and consumption. The study addresses the challenges of population growth, climate change, and fossil fuel scarcity, emphasizing the need for radical changes in behavior, policies, and technologies. It concludes that the planet can feed the anticipated population in 2050, but the main challenge will be ensuring access to food for the poorest populations. The study also highlights the crucial role of diets, the importance of trade regulations, the potential of ecological intensification, and the need for investments in agriculture in developing countries to end undernourishment.

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