Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2013

This report highlights Africa's potential for transformative progress and the need for policy solutions from African sources to promote economic development. It emphasizes collaboration with regional partners to raise the African voice in global policy debates.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Brookings Institution
Authors: Anne W. Kamau, Jessica Smith, John Mukum Mbaku, John Page, Kevin Watkins, Mwangi S. Kimenyi, Richard Joseph, Stephanie Majerowicz, Todd Moss, Yun Sun, Julius Agbor, Julius Agbor, Richard Joseph, Anne W. Kamau, Mwangi S. Kimenyi, Stephanie Majerowicz, John Mukum Mbaku, Toss Moss, John Page, Jessica Smith, Yun Sun,
Geographic focus: Global, Africa


The report uses various research methods, including analysis of economic data, assessment of political developments, examination of foreign relations, and evaluation of policy reforms. It also considers historical trends and current events to identify priorities for Africa.

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Key Insights

Africa has moved from stagnation to growth, with some of the world's fastest-growing economies. This growth has built a middle class and attracted investors. However, challenges remain, and policymakers must address them to sustain momentum. Key issues for 2013 include youth unemployment, energy poverty, China-Africa relations, Kenyan elections, development disparities, education deficits, infrastructure needs, and engaging the diaspora for development.

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