Foresight for Development

The report explores how Finnish ICT and e-services can be adapted for use in Africa and vice versa, focusing on innovation and foresight in development.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Finland Futures Research Centre

Authors: Olli Hietanen
Geographic focus: Africa, Finland, Global


The research method involved five stages: identifying best practices in Finland and Africa, understanding African ICT development needs, engaging Finnish and African partners, raising new questions for future studies, and developing tools like the African Catchment Game and the Foresight Game for educational purposes.

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Key Insights

The research conducted between 2003 and 2005 aimed to understand how Finnish information and communication technology (ICT), content, and e-services could be implemented in Africa, and how African needs and characteristics could influence ICT development. The study involved identifying best practices in Finland and Africa, understanding African development needs, and fostering Finnish-African partnerships. It proposed that Africa doesn't need Finnish technology as much as it needs skills and competence to create its own future. The research suggested establishing innovation organizations for future cooperation and identified networking and multidisciplinary research clusters as practical tools for development. Two cooperation projects were highlighted: COFISA, focusing on strengthening South Africa's innovation system, and the GAME project, which includes the African Catchment Game (ACG) and the Foresight Game, both educational tools for sustainability and futures thinking. The report also discusses methods like analytic trend extrapolation and heuristic scenario building for understanding and managing future developments.

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