Foresight synthesis report: Dawn of the African century

This report provides a comprehensive synthesis of the National Research and Technology Foresight (NRTF) study, capturing the imagination of the South African public through an inclusive process designed to scope out possible futures where research and technology play a pivotal role.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Department Of Science And Technology (South Africa)

Authors: Department Of Science And Technology (south Africa)
Geographic focus: South Africa


The NRTF methodology involved sector working groups analyzing current statuses, identifying challenges and opportunities, and making recommendations for the next 10-20 years. It included international and local scans, Delphi surveys, feasibility-attractiveness plots, and the development of strategic technology nodes.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

Key Insights

The NRTF aimed to inform decision-makers in government, industry, and academia about potential future developments in research and technology. It involved extensive consultation, analysis, and identification of key technologies across various sectors, emphasizing wealth creation, quality of life, and societal concerns such as human resource development and environmental sustainability.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

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