Future flooding: China - Taihu Basin

The China/UK scientific cooperation project on flood risk management in the Taihu Basin has made significant progress in understanding and modeling future flood risks due to climate change, socio-economic development, and flood defense systems.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: University of Nottingham
Publication date: October 25, 2010
Authors: E.P. Evans, X.T. Cheng
Geographic focus: China
Page count: 74


The project used the Source-Hazards-Capacities-Receptor (SHCR) model instead of the Source-Pathway-Receptor model to analyze flood risk drivers and responses. It verified the capacity of the PRECIS regional climate model, developed a VIC hydrological model, derived socio-economic scenarios, created a flood damage assessment model, and built a broad-scale hydraulic model using the ISIS software.

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Key Insights

The project has developed a broad-scale, long-term 'end-to-end' modeling system for flood scenario analysis in the Taihu Basin. It has integrated climate change scenarios, hydrological and hydraulic models, socio-economic scenarios, flood damage assessment models, and a GIS-based risk analysis system. The project has also trained professionals and established a foundation for future work.

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