Germany 2030: Germany's Prosperity Rests on Innovation

Germany's prosperity increasingly relies on innovation and technology, with demographic changes impacting traditional growth factors.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: BDI
Authors: Dr. Klaus Günter Deutsch
Time horizon: 2030
Geographic focus: Germany, European Union
Page count: 40 pages


The research method involved analyzing economic trends, demographic changes, technological advancements, and policy frameworks to assess Germany's future prosperity and industrial policy needs.

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Key Insights

Germany must focus on innovation and technology to drive future prosperity, as demographic changes reduce the growth contributions of labor and capital. Technological progress will be key, and Germany needs to address weaknesses in its startup environment, venture capital, public investment, and regulatory frameworks for key technologies. The strategic priorities include deepening the European single market and international trade, while balancing productivity and social cohesion in the digital world.

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