Global Futures Forecast: The Top Tech and Innovation Trends

The report forecasts key technology and innovation trends for 2011 that will impact global business and society.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Institute For Global Futures

Authors: Dr. James Canton
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved qualitative and quantitative analysis, leveraging a global intelligence network managed by the Institute for Global Futures.

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Key Insights

The 2011 Global Futures Forecast by the Institute for Global Futures identifies critical technology and innovation trends that are expected to drive change in business, markets, and society. The report emphasizes the importance of innovation as a competitive advantage, contributing significantly to GDP and job creation. It highlights game-changing technologies such as IT & Web, Nanoengineering, Biotechnology, Neuroscience, and Quantum Mechanics. The forecast also discusses the need for a sustainable planet, the evolution of Web 3.0, the challenges of the Digital Tsunami, and the convergence of web and video. It touches on the rise of ClickStreamers, the demand for EcoEverything, the ubiquity of the mobile web, and the influence of social networks like Facebook on marketing. The report warns about identity theft, envisions cities that think, and predicts the rise of connected products. It explores climate geo-hacking, cloud networks, personalized medicine, social shopping, new brain science, the integration of robotics in daily life, and the democratization of media production.

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