Global Governance 2025

This report examines the long-term prospects for global governance frameworks, highlighting the widening gap between increasing disorder and weakening governance structures in the face of rapid globalization and complex international challenges.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Giovanni Grevi, Mathew Burrows, Nic.
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved consultations with government officials, business, academic, NGO, and think tank leaders, and media representatives across various countries. It also included an analysis of existing global governance frameworks and their adaptations to new challenges, as well as the creation of potential future scenarios.

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Key Insights

The report, a collaboration between the National Intelligence Council and the European Union’s Institute for Security Studies, assesses the future of global governance as it struggles with the growing number of complex issues on the international agenda. It discusses the shift to a multipolar world, the role of nonstate actors, and the need for institutional reforms. The report also explores the potential scenarios for global governance, ranging from maintaining the status quo to complete fragmentation or the emergence of a new concert of powers.

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