History and Future of Tracking for Mobile Phone Augmented Reality

The report provides an overview of mobile phone AR tracking history and future prospects, focusing on methods and hardware limitations.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Graz University Of Technology

Authors: Dieter Schmalstieg, Daniel Wagner
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved a historical analysis of tracking technologies for mobile AR, evaluation of different tracking approaches, and an assessment of the impact of hardware advancements on tracking capabilities.

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Key Insights

The research report delves into the evolution of tracking technologies for mobile phone augmented reality (AR), examining the transition from marker to natural feature tracking and the challenges posed by hardware limitations. It discusses outsourcing tracking to PCs, the use of fiducial markers, and the potential of natural feature tracking on mobile devices. The paper also touches on non-AR tracking approaches and looks forward to the future of mobile AR tracking, considering the role of hardware improvements and the concept of AR 2.0, which involves user-generated content and server-based localization services.

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